Catalog Contents
- 2024-2025 Edition
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- 10: Divisional Designation for Faculty with a Primary Assignment in an Interdivisional Program for Purposes of Elections
- 11: #23-68 Changes to the Governance Document Following Approval of #23-51 Divisional Designation Proposal
- 12: #23-75 Changes to the Composition of the Selections and Elections Committee
- 14: #23-86 Revise Composition of General Education Competency Committee
- 15: #24-27: Changes to the Composition of the Writing Committee
- 17: Update pre-reqs SPAN | Degree requirements change
- 18: GC 180-189 Special Topics Re-numbering
- 4: Creation and Charge of a Task Force to reimagine the process for evaluating teaching effectiveness and student experiences
- 5: Revision of Course Grid
- 6: Increase the size of the University Honor Committee
- 9: Joint Proposal from the Art History and Visual Culture Program and the Studio Art Program to Change GE Program Status of Courses in AHVC and Studio Art
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- 11: Reconstructing Berlin
- 1: Wilderness
- 2: Migration and Health
- 3: Oceanographic Data Analysis
- 4: Christian Encounters with Islam, From the Margins
- 5: Puppets: Performing Objects
- 6: Depths of Time: From Coastal Scotland to the End of the Earth
- 8: Seinfeld: The Show About Everything
- 9: Global economy: The Role of International Organizations in Promoting Inclusive Economic Growth
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- BIOL-103.01: Modern Topics in Biology: The Science of Gardening
- COMM-115.01: Walking on Earth
- EAST-264-01: Money Talks: Women, Economics, and East Asian Literature
- EAST-264.01: Bad Girls of Japan
- EAST-264: Taiwan Women's World: The Voices of Taiwanese Women in Literature, Film, and Politics
- ENGL-310: Studies in Literature: The Radical Novel
- GC-250: Global Sport & Profit
- GH-350.01: Global Health and Nutrition: From Burden to Prevention across the Life Course
- HIST-190: Citizenship & Belonging in U.S. History
- HIST-370: History of Scientific Racism
- WGST-250.01: Israeli & Palestinian Cinema: Feminist Perspectives
- WGST-250.02: Gender, Race, and Body Politics
- WGST-250.03: Gender, Race, and Body Politics
- WGST-250: Latinx Digital Justice
- WGST-351.01: Afro-Asian (Dif)Fusion: Interactions, Intimacies, and Solidarities from Slavery to K-Pop
- WGST-351: Afro-Asian (Dif)Fusion: Interactions, Intimacies, and Solidarities from Slavery to K-Pop
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- 10: Science, Technology, and Society
- 11: That's Not Normal!: (dis)Ability, Equity, Access, and Advocacy
- 12: Let's Talk About Love
- 13: Kindness, Community, Connection
- 14: Facts, Fear, or Hope: Communicating Persuasively about Climate Change
- 15: W101: Queer Mysteries
- 16: The Ethics of Getting Dressed
- 17: Global History of Fashion
- 18: Radical Reinterpretations: Religious Adaptations and Social Change in the 21st Century
- 5: W101: The Art, Politics, and Economics of Travel
- 6: W101 Writing Folklore
- 8: Power, Ethics & Justice
- 9: Death and the Meaning of Life
- Denison Course Catalog 2024-2025
- Admission, Costs, and Financial Aid
- Course Descriptions
- Advising Circles (AC)
- Ancient Greek and Roman Studies (AGRS)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Anthropology and Sociology (ANSO)
- Arabic (ARAB)
- Art History and Visual Culture (AHVC)
- Astronomy (ASTR)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Black Studies (BLST)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chinese (CHIN)
- Cinema (CINE)
- Classical Studies (CLAS)
- Communication (COMM)
- Computer Science (CS)
- Dance (DANC)
- Data Analytics (DA)
- Data for Political Research (DPR)
- Denison Seminar (DS)
- Digital Humanities (DH)
- Earth and Environmental Sciences (EESC)
- East Asian Studies (EAST)
- Economics (ECON)
- Education (EDUC)
- English (ENGL)
- Environmental Studies (ENVS)
- French (FREN)
- Geosciences (GEOS)
- German (GERM)
- Global Commerce (GC)
- Global Health (GH)
- Greek (GRK)
- Health, Exercise, & Sport Studies (HESS)
- History (HIST)
- Interdepartmental (INTD)
- International Studies (INTL)
- Japanese (JAPN)
- Journalism (JOUR)
- Latin (LAT)
- Latin Amer & Caribbean Studies (LACS)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Middle East & North African Studies (MENA)
- Modern Language (LANG)
- Music (MUS)
- Music - Applied & Performance (MUSP)
- Music Theatre (MUTH)
- Neuroscience (NEUR)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Philosophy, Politics, & Econ (PPE)
- Physical Education (PHED)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Politics and Public Affairs (PPA)
- Portuguese (PORT)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Queer Studies (QS)
- Religion (REL)
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Sustainability and Environmental Studies
- Theatre (THTR)
- Visual Arts (ARTS)
- Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)
- Writing (W)
- Courses of Study
- Ancient Greek and Roman Studies
- Anthropology
- Anthropology and Sociology
- Applied Mathematics (Minor & BS Degree)
- Arabic
- Art History and Visual Culture
- Astronomy (Minor)
- Biology
- Black Studies
- Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Chinese
- Cinema
- Classical Studies
- Communication
- Computational Science (Concentration)
- Computer Science
- Dance
- Data Analytics
- Data for Political Research (Minor)
- Denison Seminars
- Digital Humanities (Minor)
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- East Asian Studies
- Economics
- Educational Studies
- English
- Environmental Studies
- French
- Geosciences
- German
- Global Commerce
- Global Health
- Greek (Minor)
- Health, Exercise, and Sport Studies
- History
- Interdepartmental Courses
- International Studies
- Japanese
- Journalism
- Latin (Minor)
- Latin American and Caribbean Studies (Concentration)
- Lugar Program
- Mathematics
- Middle East and North African Studies (Concentration)
- Music
- Music Theatre (Minor)
- Neuroscience (Concentration)
- Off-Campus Study
- Organizational Studies
- Philosophy
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Politics and Public Affairs
- Portuguese
- Psychology
- Queer Studies (Concentration)
- Religion
- Spanish
- Sustainability and Environmental Studies
- Theatre
- Visual Arts
- Women's and Gender Studies
- Writing Program
- History, Mission, and Values
- Resources & Programs Supporting the Academic Mission
- The Academic Program
- Academic Advising
- Academic Credit Policy
- Academic Majors
- Academic Minors, Concentrations, and Electives
- Academic Policies
- Academic Standing
- Assessment of Academic Programs
- Degrees Offered and Graduation Requirements
- Grading System and Evaluation
- Library, Information Resources, and Information Technology Services
- Registration
- Special Academic Honors
- Special Academic Projects
- The General Education Program
- The Lisska Center for Intellectual Engagement
- Faculty Handbook
- I.Personnel Policies
- I.Personnel Policies: A. Full-Time Faculty
- I.Personnel Policies: B. Full-Time PHED Faculty including Head Coaches
- I.Personnel Policies: C. Non-Tenure-Track Appointments
- I.Personnel Policies: D. Periodic Assessment of Tenured Faculty (Senior Reviews)
- I.Personnel Policies: E. Salary Reviews
- I.Personnel Policies: F. Procedures for Senior Administrator Reviews
- II.Professional Development Opportunities
- III.Faculty Responsibilities
- IV.Special Academic Programs and Support
- IX.General Information
- V.Periodic Review of Departments & Programs
- VI.Student Scholarships and Research Opportunities
- VII.Community Standards and Policies
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: R. Policy for Activities or Programs with Children or Minor Participants
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: A. Academic Integrity
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: B. Guidelines for Human Participants Research
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: C. Misconduct in Scholarly Activities
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: D. Conflict-of-Interest for Federal Grants
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: E. Privacy/Educational Records
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: F. Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: G. Discrimination and Harassment Policy
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: H. Policy on Inappropriate Relationships between Students and Faculty
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: I. Policy on Outside Employment by Denison Faculty
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: J. Policy for University Records
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: K. Policy on Fundraising Activities
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: L. Publications for External Consumption
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: M. Copyright Policy
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: N. Alcohol Policy for Faculty Events
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: O. University Space and Equipment Management
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: P. Procedures When Spouses/Partners are Appointed to One Department
- VII.Community Standards and Policies: Q. Guidelines for the Care and Use of Animals in Research & Teaching
- VIII.Financial Arrangements and Faculty Benefits
- I.Personnel Policies