Academic Catalog


V.Periodic Review of Departments & Programs: B. Process and Schedule

Evidence and Timeline

Evidence used to assess student learning and the effectiveness of the department or program should be collected each year according to the department’s or program’s assessment plan. Departments may choose to evaluate and discuss this evidence each year, however, Department Reports are due only once every four years.

Each department and program submits to the Provost’s Office a Department Report once every four years. A schedule of upcoming Department Reports can be obtained from the Provost’s Office. The report should address the topics indicated in section V.A

Every third Department Report (that is, once every 12 years) entails an External Review. The composition of the external team and the process of the external review are provided in section V.C.

Departments may add topics or questions to be addressed, or include additional data, in their Department Reports, however, changes to the above list of topics must be approved by the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs.

Internal Review 

In some cases the Provost may determine that a particular program which is due for a review does not need a full external review team visit. In these cases, in cooperation with the program, the Provost will appoint an internal review team. The program prepares a Report which addresses the questions and prompts described above, and the internal review team, comprised of Denison faculty and students, fulfills the role that an external review team would play.

Review of Department Reports

Department Reports will be due to the Provost’s Office in September of the fall in which they are due (A schedule of Department Reports can be obtained from the Provost's Office). Departments will receive written feedback on their Report from the Department Report Review Committee (DRRC) in years when an external review is not required. The DRRC will be appointed by the Provost and composed of one faculty member from each division of the college plus the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs.