Writing Program
Program Guidelines
The Writing Program affirms the importance Denison places on inculcating in our students the importance of learning to write, not only as a means of expressing themselves, but also as a way of learning. We believe that good writers take intellectual risks, explore ideas, make connections, and participate in broader, on-going conversations through writing. Our program aims to develop these habits of mind. We expect students to be able to make cogent arguments, anticipate and meet the needs of their audience, gather and synthesize evidence, and apply the conventions of style and grammar. By repeated experiences in writing-intensive courses situated within the context of academic programs across the university, students will develop writing skills and deepen their liberal arts education.
This program consists of three parts:
- W 101 - First-Year Writing Workshop taken during the first year,
- two writing- intensive courses (W-overlays) after the completion of the W101 Writing Workshop, one of which must be completed by the end of the sophomore year, and
- any writing requirement specific to each student's major (as applicable).
W 101 - First-Year Writing Workshop (4 Credit Hours)
Required of all students during their first year, the W101 course introduces students to the rigors of college-level writing and provides practice in formulating and presenting a significant argument in a cogent essay; in finding, evaluating, and incorporating research into their writing; and in assessing their own work and that of their peers. W101 can be used only to satisfy the "S" Writing GE requirement. Open to First Year students only.