Academic Catalog


Ancient Greek and Roman Studies (AGRS)

AGRS 101 - The Ancient Mediterranean (4 Credit Hours)

This is an introductory course in the history and culture of ancient Greece and Rome, focusing on particular topics relating to classical culture, and emphasizing the analysis of textual and material evidence.

AGRS 111 - Ancient Greek Literature (4 Credit Hours)

This course is an introduction to Ancient Greek literature from the Homeric world to the Hellenistic era. Students will read the works of major authors representing a variety of genres from epic poetry to philosophical dialogues, considered in the contexts of both ancient culture and contemporary society.

AGRS 112 - Roman Literature (4 Credit Hours)

In this course students will study the literature of ancient Rome, analyzing texts not only for their importance to the development of Latin literature but also for their subsequent influence on later authors, from the Renaissance to the modern world. Readings will include selections from the genres of comic drama, lyric, elegy, epic and satire.

AGRS 121 - Ancient Myths (4 Credit Hours)

This course is a study of the mythology of classical antiquity, with an emphasis on its representations in literature and art, and its relationship to the practice and rituals of Greek and Roman religion.

AGRS 202 - Ancient Rome (4 Credit Hours)

A survey of Roman civilization from both an historical and cultural perspective. Chronologically, the course traces the development of the "eternal city" from a tiny village of mud and straw along the banks of the Tiber River in central Italy to the city of marble and bronze dominating the Mediterranean world and beyond. Culturally, we consider Rome's legacy to the western world in terms of its social and political institutions, as well as its intellectual and artistic achievements.

AGRS 210 - Archaeology of the Ancient Greek World (4 Credit Hours)

This course explores the visual and material cultures of the ancient Greek world from the 15th century BCE through the the 1st century BCE. Since art, architecture, and artifacts are the material expression of culture and what determines culture, we must interpret these objects in their socio-historical contexts.

AGRS 220 - Ancient Epic Tales (4 Credit Hours)

This course provides a survey of ancient epic tales written by the Greeks, Romans, Mesopotamians and other ancient cultures. Students analyze various epics and situate them within their social, cultural, historical, and literary contexts. They also examine ancient and modern artistic representations of these epics and their relationship to their literary counterparts. In addition, students consider the topics and themes found in these ancient epic tales in relation to our own cultural experiences and conflicts today.

AGRS 222 - Ancient Rhetoric & Persuasion (4 Credit Hours)

This course explores rhetoric and methods of persuasive speaking in ancient Greece and Rome. Students analyze ancient Greek and Roman speeches, situate them within their cultural context, learn techniques for effective public speaking and argumentation, and compose and deliver speeches tailored to a variety of situations.

AGRS 223 - Ancient Drama (4 Credit Hours)

This course focuses on the dramatic arts as practiced in Ancient Greece and Rome. Students read selected plays, tragic or comic, by the major playwrights of Greco-Roman antiquity, giving attention to dramaturgy, societal contexts, and influences on the development of Western theater.

AGRS 301 - Topics in Ancient Greek and Roman Studies (4 Credit Hours)

This is a seminar course on a particular historical, social, or cultural topic related to the study of the ancient Mediterranean world.

AGRS 313 - Ancient Magic and Witches (4 Credit Hours)

This course provides a survey of magic and witchcraft in ancient Greece and Rome. Students engage with issues such as how magic works, how people interact with the divine, the marginalization of magical practitioners, and the difference between magic, witchcraft, and religion. Emphasized topics include magicians, witches, ghosts, spirits, demons, divination, and spells.

AGRS 331 - Alexander and his Legacy (4 Credit Hours)

Alexander of Macedon ('the Great') led his armies from ancient Macedonia into Africa and across the continent of Asia changing the political and cultural landscape for centuries to come. What emerged after Alexander is often called the Hellenistic world, a multicultural world of both Greek and indigenous kingdoms marked by a fusion of Greek and local cultures. This course explores Alexander and his legacy through examination or the literary and material evidence.

AGRS 332 - Imperial Rome (4 Credit Hours)

This course focuses on the ancient Mediterranean in the Roman imperial period (approx. 25 BCE-400 CE). It explores the political, social, and cultural contexts for the empire and the material remains throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia that reflect the extent of Rome’s influence.

AGRS 340 - Ancient Athenian Law and Democracy (4 Credit Hours)

This course explores the various permutations of ancient Athenian democracy and law. The democracy of ancient Athens is often considered the "First Democracy". Although this is not accurate, it has been one of the most influential democracies in history. In the course, students examine the history, structures, and legacy of the Athenian democracy, its conception of citizenship, and the development of its courts.

AGRS 351 - Shopping and Markets in Ancient Rome (4 Credit Hours)

Evidence from ancient Rome suggests that a sophisticated retail system developed in urban centers during the Republic so that by the Early Imperial period, many Roman towns were characterized by busy commercial streets and districts where people consumed time and space alongside ready-made goods and services. The shop became a place of leisure and a locus of sociability where status and identity were forged, negotiated, and performed. It also became a potentially subversive space where information was exchanged, and status and power could be challenged and temporarily overturned. This course explores the questions of where, how, and why ancient Romans shopped. focusing on such important aspects as: distribution networks, the evolution of the retail trade, Roman attitudes toward various forms of retailing, analysis of commercial art and architecture, evidence for marketing strategies, shopping behaviors, and consumption practices.

AGRS 361 - Directed Study (1-4 Credit Hours)

AGRS 362 - Directed Study (1-4 Credit Hours)

AGRS 363 - Independent Study (1-4 Credit Hours)

AGRS 364 - Independent Study (1-4 Credit Hours)

AGRS 400 - Senior Research Symposium (1 Credit Hour)

A one-credit senior capstone seminar to support students in writing their senior research. The capstone is team-taught by the department faculty and focuses on discipline-specific: methods and approaches (literary, historical, archaeological) for analysis of ancient evidence; citational practices for ancient evidence; databases and other tools for conducting research in Greco-Roman antiquity; and group workshops at various stages of the thesis-writing process.

AGRS 451 - Senior Research (4 Credit Hours)